July 8, 2010

Monday 5.7.2010

Camp diary

Monday, 5.7.2010

Today as delegation of the day, USA blasted Party In the USA by Miley Cyrus to wake everyone up.
Finally having the entire camp together is really nice, especially for our
very first flag time as a camp.
The staff and leaders had planned our activites for the day and
our main activity for the day was a mind-map where we charted our feelings about
different areas we were interested in,
things we know about and things we want to know about.
When we debriefed this activity, people were very open and excited about their ideas.
A great start for a Summer Camp.
We also played games to get to know eachothers names which was very helpful.
Trying to remember 50 names is a little difficult in one day!
Our first lullabies were quite interesting...but it now gives us room to improve.
All in all, we had a great first full day!

1 comment:

  1. Stefania Orsi, Italy (participant)
    It was my birthday!!! And all the delegations sang their own birthday song! It was so nice!
    I miss you all guys!
    Love <3, Stefy
